
"Ich steh mit einem Fuß im Grabe"

(I am standing with one foot in the grave),

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Home Grown Terror

Expanding gun sales: even I was tempted to go to the sports store and arm myself, as a result of listening to the news for too many hours.

The library at the end of the hall where he was shot, had me thinking about Goldie quietly working away in Ottawa

The interesting thing about today's shooter is he passed a psych evaluation after robbing someone in Vancouver. Instead of writing him off as a nutter, the news emphasized the danger of these lone wolves in our society. They self-radicalize and nobody has to instruct them to go out and kill innocent Canadians.

They seize their passports effectively trapping them in Canada to stew in their bitterness and ultimately take it out on a Canadian. They should get a one-way ticket to Guantanamo Bay or some other country where terrorists can be tortured.

America told Canada who the guy was before our authorities could identify him. The CIA is watching over us because they don't have any confidence in the RCMP or CSIS.

The guy in Quebec was a known entity yet our police were helpless to stop his random act of terror.
These two guys just cost Canada millions of dollars in police overtime and all the new airport, train, subway, and other potential terror targets that will need protecting. Creeping facism becomes a problem as we all become suspects even though radical Islamists are a tiny fraction of Canada's population.

It is a new and nasty world. Watching John Lennon on the Dick Cavett show being funny and being so positive about the future not long before he was gunned down by a maniac, made me think how much the world lost. His calls for Peace were sincere and I think the world should have been listening.

Sometime next year we are going to see some countries fighting for scarce water with their neighbors. An over populated world is looking to run short of resources by 2050 - some say sooner. Water shortages are set to show up in 2015. Remember Frank Zappa singing, "It can't happen here"
It happened in California -drought.
Maybe the wars and terrorism are just beginning. Leon Pinnetta, former head of the CIA and then Defense Secretary of the U.S., was on Charlie Rose saying he thinks the war with ISIS will be ongoing for 30 years. They are the best financed terrorist group in the history of the Planet.

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